Jun 28, 2007

A reasonable working place should have a temperature usually at least 16°C, or 13°C for strenuous work, equipt with local heating or cooling where a comfortable temperature maintained throughout each work room and sufficient space in work rooms.

We meet none.. rooms are overcrowded with a lack of fresh air circulation...insuffienct number of A/C... its hot... terribly hot..

we are all gonna melt away !!!!!!!

ok.. ok.. calm down...... try this meditation technique:

Imagine that you are on an ice block in Alaska where the temp is -30, lying on this block, your swimming costume on.. feel the breezing air biting all your body, circulating in your whole body

how are u feeling now?

Cooler...?? :D


Anonymous said...

One Caipirinha..please...!!!

Unknown said...

not working :(

do you have another meditation technique ?

The sage said...

not working? this is one of the most powerful one.. :D ok. will check out my book to find out a good one(: