Apr 29, 2007
my dear left side
As a left-hander, I'm discriminated against all the time . Not for serious things of course :) I am not denied for medical care, a job or a driving licence. But I experience anti-lefty bias in the form of school desks that are unusable, cooking outfits that are useless i.e. cups that are not symmetric which makes pouring awkward and messy, computer mice that cause hand cramps (Logitech used to supply left handed versions, but have discontinued these) etc. Unfounately i have to spend my life conforming to a world that was not designed for my benefit.
Who would I be if I was right-handed? Not the same person. Left-handedness is part of my identity, left-handedness is so integral a part of me that I could not imagine living otherwise.
What does being left-handed mean?
Being left-handed means having a preference for using a left hand for a variety of tasks, including reaching, throwing, pointing, catching and holding. Besides, a preference for using your left foot for actions such as kicking, as well as the preferred foot with which to begin walking, running and bicycling. However, there are no hard rules for determining which hand or foot the Lefthander prefers to use for a particular action. Most will prefer to use the left hand or foot for delicate work.
I got drunk
And thought of you,
My left hand
My awkward hand
My poor hand.
Orhan Veli
Apr 28, 2007
Bazıları seyrederken hayatı en önden, Kendime bir sahne buldum oynadım. Öyle bir rol vermişler ki, Okudum okudum anlamadım. Kendi kendime konuştum bazen evimde. Hem kızdım hem güldüm halime Sonra dedim ki ' söz ver kendine ' Denizleri seviyorsan, dalgaları da seveceksin. Sevilmek istiyorsan, önce sevmeyi bileceksin. Uçmayı seviyorsan, düşmeyi de bileceksin. Korkarak yaşıyorsan, yalnızca hayatı seyredersin.
Öyle bir hayat yaşadım ki, son yolculukları erken tanıdım. Öyle çok değerliymiş ki zaman, Hep acele etmem bundandı Anladım...
F. W. N.
Apr 25, 2007
What have i learnt in life
Apr 23, 2007
The secret
(Alexander Graham Bell)
to be continued...
Apr 22, 2007
Keynes & A.Smith
He revolutionized economics with his classic book, The General Theory of Employment, Interest & Money (1936). This is generally regarded as probably the most influential social science thesis of the 20th Century, in that it quickly and permanently changed the way the world's outlook to the economics and the role of govt in society.
No other single book, before or since, has had quite such an impact. In the twenties Keynes was a believer in the quantity theory of money (today called monetarism)
Keynes's General Theory was path breaking in several ways.
The two most important are, first, that it introduced the notion of aggregate demand as the sum of consumption, investment, and government spending. Second, it showed (or purported to show) that full employment could be maintained only with the help of government spending. Economists still argue about what Keynes thought caused high unemployment. Some think that Keynes attributed unemployment to wages that take a long time to fall. But Keynes actually wanted wages not to fall, and advocated in the General Theory that wages be kept stable.
1st published in 1776, The Wealth of Nations is generally regarded as the foundation of contemporary economic thought. Adam Smith, a Scottish prof. of moral philosophy, expounded the then-revolutionary doctrine of economic liberalism.
Combining economics, political theory, history, philosopy and practical programs, Smith assumes that human self interest is the basic psychological drive behing economics and that a natual order in the universe makes all the individual, self interesed battle add up to social good.
His conclusion, that the best program is to leave the economic process alone and that govt is useful only as an agent to preserve order and to perform routine functions, is now known as non-interventionism.
His book is in one of the most referred books list of economics lecturers, i myself heard of it, maybe hundred times during my undergradute days.. )
Quoted passages from his book...
by Adam Smith 1776
The annual labour of every nation is the fund which originally supplies it with all the necessaries and conveniences of life which it annually consumes, and which consist always either in the immediate produce of that labour, or in what is purchased with that produce from other nations. According therefore as this produce, or what is purchased with it, bears a greater or smaller proportion to the number ofthose who are to consume it, the nation will be better or worse supplied with all the necessaries and conveniences for which it has occasion.
But this proportion must in every nation be regulated by two different circumstances; first, by the skill, dexterity, andjudgment with which its labour is generally applied; and,secondly, by the proportion between the number of those who areemployed in useful labour, and that of those who are not so employed.
Whatever be the soil, climate, or extent of territoryof any particular nation, the abundance or scantiness of its annual supply must, in that particular situation, depend upon those two circumstances.
Apr 21, 2007
How do the financial markets behave?
Well..... the change could be as radical as moving the Earth from the center of the solar system to an orbit round the sun !!! .......That's Cool! :)
More than 40 years ago, Mandelbrot discovered a new kind of math: Instead of accounting for neat and tidy geometry, his new equations described shapes with general patterns repeating in new and unexpected ways. He named these new mathematical equations fractals, and in the intervening decades they have been used to describe coastlines, clouds and air turbulence, to create computer graphics and to model the way rocks and sheets of metal wear, fragment and crack. (I sometimes think why we, people other than scientists, can not notice or simply ignore the self evident natural harmony in universe.. peh awareness....)
Anyway, Mandelbrot has brought the fractal toolbox back to the field of price variation, where he made vital contributions decades ago.
I read a book of him few months ago, namely "The (Mis)behaviour of Markets" . I should go over it throughly once more. It chronicles Mandelbrot's forty-year quest to understand how the stock market works, and his search for a better mathematical model. Using the techniques of fractal geometry, which he himself invented, Mandelbrot believes he has finally realised his ambition. ( there are certainly few ppl around who hit their ambitions in life... i know...key is dedication...) But getting his ideas to be taken seriously has proven even more difficult.
Mathematicians make models based on patterns, and the problem with the stock market is that there aren't any patterns. In fact, trying to predict how much a share price will rise or fall may seem like trying to predict the weather — though that hasn't stopped people from trying.
The wild behaviour of financial markets, which makes them so risky. Are mathematicians inspired from history..? The tale of Harold Edwin Hurst, for example, who analysed the flooding of the Nile, is one of the gems that are dotted throughout the book.
The book is actually not for dummies but is clearly written with non-mathematicians in mind. Unlike some mathematicians, Mandelbrot doesn't depend on algebra and equations to make his point. (Thanks to him!!)
Mandelbrot refers to the turbulence he finds in nature and financial market behavior as "roughness." The more turbulent the distribution, the larger his quantitative measure of roughness. The mathematics of roughness is Mandelbrot's contribution to the science of measuring the non-normality in otherwise stable distributions, which he calls "fractal geometry." By mathematically defining roughness, Mandelbrot can, with economy of inputs, among other things, produce charts on market behavior that mimic the real thing. By tweaking the inputs, one can introduce greater or lesser degrees of roughness into the charts of market returns. According to Mandelbrot, different markets are characterized by varying degrees of roughness. The rougher the market, the greater the underestimation of risk made by the modern finance tool kit. Adding more complexity to the fractal model (multi-fractal models) produces additional sophistication to mimicking more complex market behavior, clustering, and time interval effects.
What I know cannot be used to pick stocks, trade derivatives, or value stock options; time, and further research by others, will determine whether it ever can." Mandelbrot does find value in fractal geometry for imitating financial market reality, offering "some insights into how markets work."
Apr 19, 2007
Yerin seni çektiği kadar ağırsın, Kanatların çırpındığı kadar hafif.. Kalbinin attığı kadar canlısın, Gözlerinin uzağı gördüğü kadar genç... Sevdiklerin kadar iyisin, Nefret ettiklerin kadar kötü.. Ne renk olursa olsun kaşın gözün, Karşındakinin gördüğüdür rengin.. Yaşadıklarını kar sayma: Yaşadığın kadar yakınsın sonuna; ne kadar yaşarsan yaşa, Sevdiğin kadardır ömrün.. Gülebildiğin kadar mutlusun. Üzülme bil ki ağladığın kadar güleceksin Sakın bitti sanma her şeyi, Sevdiğin kadar sevileceksin. Güneşin doğuşundadır doğanın sana verdiği değer Ve karşındakine değer verdiğin kadar insansın. Bir gün yalan söyleyeceksen eğer; Bırak karşındaki sana güvendiği kadar inansın. Ay ışığındadır sevgiliye duyulan hasret, Ve sevgiline hasret kaldığın kadar ona yakınsın. Unutma yağmurun yağdığı kadar ıslaksın, Güneşin seni ısıttığı kadar sıcak. Kendini yalnız hissetiğin kadar yalnızsın Ve güçlü hissettiğin kadar güçlü. Kendini güzel hissettiğin kadar güzelsin.. İşte budur hayat! İşte budur yaşamak, Bunu hatırladığın kadar yaşarsın Bunu unuttuğunda aldığın her nefes kadar üşürsün Ve karşındakini unuttuğun kadar çabuk unutulursun Çiçek sulandığı kadar güzeldir, Kuşlar ötebildiği kadar sevimli, Bebek ağladığı kadar bebektir. Ve herşeyi öğrendiğin kadar bilirsin
...bunu da öğren, Sevdiğin kadar sevilirsin...
Apr 17, 2007
ne Çin, ne seyyareler, ne de yıldızlar geceleri ışıldayan...
En uzak mesafe iki kafa arasındaki mesafedir birbirini anlamayan...
Apr 16, 2007
Cercis siliquastrum
These days are the best season for this lovely plant and Istanbul looks more charming with bloomed Juda trees ( the name comes from a commonly held belief that i wont mentioned it here) .
It is a native of Southern Europe, Eastern Mediterranean and Western Asia, grows also in Agean & Northwest of the country.
Once i knew a poem that i like a lot about these Trees; but could not remember how it was..
Neither its Latin name nor French nor English expresses the beauty of it more than Erguvan..
The beautiful tones of the “Erguvan” trees, unique to the Bosphorus... Try to afford an opportunity to see them these days!
Apr 15, 2007
Astrological side of me
Location on Earth: 28e58, 41n01
Local time: 12:50 pm
My ascendant sign is positioning on 25°34'22
2nd House Cancer 15°50'19
Imum Coeli Virgo 1°03'49
5th House Libra 3°52'08
6th House Scorpio 15°30'54
Descendant Sagittarius 25°34'22
My astrological position indicates fluidity of character and infinite receptivity to a multitude of environmental forces. My understanding and sympathy are all-encompassing, but by wavering and vacillating, I become susceptible.
People whose ascending sign is Gemini usually appear as elegant, slender, expressive, and with very humane facial expressions. They are individuals with some literary inclination, dexterous with manual labors and crafts, apt, able, witty, inventive and very curious and subtle..
Venus was found in my eighth house at the time of birth. If my inner growth is such that my vital energies are oriented toward spiritual rather than material pleasures, then I will arrive at gratification and happiness through inquiry into the mysteries of life and death.
The Sun was in the tenth house at the time of birth. The Sun here promises honor, success, and prestige in adult life.
The Moon was found in the tenth house at the time of birth. Among other things, this is an indication of my ability to adjust to varying conditions.
Apr 14, 2007
What is Life?
When all is silent, there are only two questions, which essentially is only one:
"What is the meaning of life?", and "What is the meaning of suffering?".
If you answer one, you have answered the other.
There are probably as many answers as there are people.
However, there are two main streams:
1. Those who are in search of "Happiness".
2. Those who are in search of "Self-Actualization".
If happiness is the goal of life, then suffering is its hell.
Shakespeare, through Hamlet, posed the question as: "To be or not to be" rather than "To become or not to become". This means that we do not have to become something else, as we already are what we need to be.
The old Greeks posed the question as: "Know thyself", which translates into "Who are you?". It is our task to find out who we really are.
In a more modern version of the ancient sages: "Are we physical beings trying to get spiritual experience, or are we spirits trying to get physical experience?"
Funny enough, we attain happiness as a by-product of finding ourselves, not by looking for it.
The Quality of Life is the totality of features and characteristics of the varying environments and changing conditions/circumstances that bear on their ability to satisfy the human needs for actualization at four levels of awareness:
again.. fractals
describe and to model aesthetic object, especially for those not easily created by Euclidean geometry. Fractal is by definition a set for which the Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension strictly
exceeds the topological dimension. It is used to describe the fragmentation of an object. A
common property of fractal object is self-similar, i.e. a fractal is a shape made of parts similar to
the whole in some way. One deterministic approach to generate or to approximate a
mathematical fractal object is to use Iteration function system (IFS) . An IFS is a family of
specified contraction mappings that map a whole object onto the parts, unionize all the parts and
iteration of these mappings will result in convergence to an invariant set , i.e. a fractal. From
the viewpoint of geometric modeling, unionization in IFS is regularized in order to maintain the
validity of the operands in further iteration.
In particular, the quadric
Fractal curves are self-similar and continuous, but they are nowhere differentiable. The quadric Koch curve consists of a generator and an initiator. The generator is a multi-segment polyline (S) which is also used to derive the IFS. The initiator is a square which is used to derive transformations for replicating other copies.
Apr 12, 2007
Ever questioned yourself?
Do you say things like, "Why me? Why does this always happen to me?" or "Why did she say that?" or "What did I do wrong?" These are not high quality questions.
High-quality questions move you forward immediately. They focus on positive direction and indicate an understanding of what's possible.
Here are a few: "How can I turn this around?" or "How can I make it work?" "How can I utilize this?" or "How can I use this to empower myself and others?"
The answers to these questions increase your personal power and your power to change the world around you.
Questioning yourself about your areas of interest is the most critical step in beginning the career development process. Career satisfaction depends on more than the monetary benefits of being employed. Becoming a successful professional encompasses your wants and needs for job fulfillment in regard to job responsibilities, work environment, location, and many other factors. Ask yourself the following questions to identify some of your future career goals
Who has a job I would like to have, what do they do, and why is it appealing to me?
What are my strongest/most useful skills?
What are other skills/traits I have that could help me in my job?
What are skills/traits others tell me I have?
What type of compensation is most important to me?
Where do I want to be in my career after five years? After ten years?
Apr 10, 2007
Why pretend to be excited about a career path that doesn't interest you? What's the point of working for a company that doesn't give you what you want? No, your honesty isn't hurting me. In the long run, it will help you get the job you really want.
Have you ever questioned yourself in a deep respect?
i know, neither of us do this. Why do i expect you to behave as if you have been doing this for a long long time?
Apr 9, 2007
Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty" -- Bertrand Russell, from The Study of Mathematics: Philosophical Essays
Sierpinski triangle, Koch snowflake, Peano curve, Mandelbrot set, and Lorenz attractor. Fractals also describe many real-world objects, such as clouds, mountains, turbulence, and coastlines, that do not correspond to simple geometric shapes.
The lorenz attractor was first studied by Ed N. Lorenz, a meterologist, around 1963. It was derived from a simplified model of convection in the earths atmosphere. It also arises naturally in models of lasers and dynamos. The system is most commonly expressed as 3 coupled non-linear differential equations.
dx / dt = a (y - x)
dy / dt = x (b - z) - y
dz / dt = xy - c z
One commonly used set of constants is a = 10, b = 28, c = 8 / 3. Another is a = 28, b = 46.92, c = 4. "a" is sometimes known as the Prandtl number and "b" the Rayleigh number.
The series does not form limit cycles nor does it ever reach a steady state. Instead it is an example of deterministic chaos. As with other chaotic systems the Lorenz system is sensitive to the initial conditions, two initial states no matter how close will diverge, usually sooner rather than later.
Apr 6, 2007
It's a fact of life: Your team members are going to complain about work. But there's a world of difference between healthy venting among comrades and bitter, conspiratorial ranting behind closed doors.
Managing your team members is somewhat like managing a project: You need a plan and you need to keep up with what's going on. One way to address both of those needs is to conduct regular one-on-one review sessions with your staff.
Shhh...dont question.!. please dont.. all happened suddenly..no no, i never mean to cause you a trouble. Each of us has special people in our lives to whom we would dedicate something.
i started blogging today..